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A New Beginning


It begins.

Welcome all to the launch of my website,! I appreciate everyone that has come this far to see my far work I've put into creating this website. While there will be changes in the future, this is just the beginning. Everything has to start from somewhere. My graphic design knowledge is quite dusty right now, so any constructive criticism is extremely valuable to me at this time. I'm sure there are also going to be a few bugs at first, so I appreciate any feedback at all! Good, bad, I want to hear it all! All paths have end goals in sight, as does the making of this website. My primary goal of creating all of this is to showcase what I have accomplished with my artwork within the last 7 years when I started really pushing myself to make something of my passion. While I have artwork dating back from 1999, I want this to be about showcasing the best of the best, my portfolio. (Feel free to check my deviantART gallery to view my older pieces, doodles, and sketches.) Being able to have a base point for my artwork, I feel I am bettering my focus on the art I do produce and the quality of the work I do.

I'm keeping this short and brief for now. There will be plenty more blogs as time goes on. Feel free to follow me on my journey!


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