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Where did go?

If you keep up with my personal Twitter account, @thatdumbdragon, you'll know that I lost my job earlier this month. I have been applying for multiple different jobs, but it's been let-down after let-down with no one seeming interested. There are jobs out there, but I refuse to work retail or food services, period. That cuts out about 75% of the stuff out there that has 'HELP WANTED' posters plastered all over their store signs or doors. I've been there, done that, and you honestly could not pay me enough to put up with the vast amounts of stress that comes along with it.

Anyway, getting back to what I was saying about the website. Because I know funds are going to be tight until I can either find another job or get my artwork sales and/or commissions to the point where I'm stable, I've had to drop my paid web hosting down to a free account. I still own the domain and will upgrade my website to it as soon as I am in a position to do so, I just foresee it not being for some time. While it is honestly not -that- expensive ($100/yr), that is money I need to help pay monthly bills that I can't afford not to pay. If you are interested in helping me get this website back up to the paid, ad-free website, please consider buying something from my shop! I am adding new things to it daily, not just art related stuff. There is a good chance there is something for everyone there!

Thanks for taking the time to read this. You, my audience, are who keep me going each day in my artistic journey!


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