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Well, That Was Disappointing


After a week of waiting to hear back from the interview I had last week, I've got nothing. I've been completely ghosted, which is a huge disappointment. I've pretty much gotten past the disappointment stage and onto the angry-as-a-wet-hornet stage. After what I thought was a really good interview, to be completely ignored is just... ARRRRRGGGGGGG!!! BUT, I'm not going to let this get me down. I am going to be focusing my energy into other areas. I'll keep trying and pursuing a professional career, but it's just going to take quite a bit of time it seems. For now, I am going to continue working on my art and keeping all of you updated. At the moment, I really don't have anything to show as I was focusing on my resume and portfolio. It is also getting into the busy season with Hallmark, so my hours have picked up dramatically, which leave a lot less free time for art. I'm still working on what I can, though. ~ SHOP UPDATE ~ I will be working on updating my shop inventory this Thursday. One thing that has been the lack of art prints. This is going to change! I am planning on releasing 2 new pieces of artwork that have never been offered as prints, as well as a few classics to be re-released. I will also be announcing a new sticker pre-order soon! As much as I just want to have them on hand and available, finances are tight, so the best way is to offer pre-orders for them. Sadly, these will not be posted with the update this Thursday, but I will be making the announcement on my Twitter (@misorarae) when I do. There maybe a small chance that I have two designs for pre-order, but it all depends if I can squeeze it in on my work schedule. What do you guys think about enamel pins? Is that something you guys would be interested in? I have been in contact with a pin maker and have been given some great quotes on getting some made, but they are rather pricey, so I would really only pursue them if I had enough interest. They would also be something that I would offer to my Patreon backers, so it's not going to be a shop exclusive if I do end up getting them. I'd like to hear what people have to say. That's all for now!


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