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The Pursuit of Happiness

It has taken some time to adjust after I left my job to get into the groove of making art again, but I can say now, without an ounce of doubt, this is where I belong. I am happy. Yes, there have been and will continue to be rough times, but what journey is without flaws?

It's been a couple of months since I have left my job. Yes, it's been financially tough trying to make my artwork profitable, but I am determined that I can make this happen. I know it's not going to be something that happens overnight. Reality isn't that nice to me me, at least yet... I hope. Either way, it has been a very long time since I have felt happy with myself and especially with my artwork! I have a motivation and drive to want to make art! The spark has quickly turned into a roaring fire and I want to let it out! Expect great things before the end of this year. I have so many ideas and projects that I am itching to start! I want to be able to share them all with all of you!


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