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Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat

With this pandemic and the BLM movement, my personal life has been chaotic, at best. My sleep schedule has been thrown out the window, I've been stressing because of work, anxiety has been eating up what little free time I do have, and I honestly can't seem to catch a breath with everything going on. Seeing what's going on in the world is mentally draining for me! I keep doing what I can, but some days it just doesn't seem enough. Yeah, I'm getting depressed at the state of this country, but who isn't? If it's one thing, it's another. I wish I could go back to my childhood days where I was too young and naive to understand worldly problems. I haven't been giving up on art, it's just been so slow. And when I say slow, I mean it's slower than molasses dripping from a doorknob in the middle of a blizzard in January. I have my days where I put out a small stack of art, but those days are few and far between. Most of the time it's just doodles or sketches, but at least it's something. I have a handful of commissioned artwork that needs finished, but the main thing keeping my artistic spirit alive is my Patreon. Without those lovely people, I honestly think I'd have given up on art for quite a while, if not for good. As I said prior, my mentality is drained. There are so many days I have a hard time just getting out of bed. Anyway, the tl;dr of this paragraph is the world sucks, so it's making concentrating on art related matters rather difficult. I've taken up playing Guild Wars 2 again to try and help get my mind into "another world", which seems to be helping some. After playing for a while, I tend to find a small spark of motivation, which I grasp firmly and use what I can of it before it slips out from my fingers. Being able to get my mind occupied by this game other than what's going on with the world is really my only means of "getting away". I can't travel like I want because of Covid-19 running rampant more than ever, so this is the only means I have. It's a way I can spend with some friends too. It is literally my world away from home right now. I guess I just really need to physically take a vacation, even though I physically can't. It's like being stuck between two massive rocks and the only means of movement is sucking in your gut and slowly squeezing through. I'll eventually get out from the middle of them... but when? Solace...


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