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New Job, Maybe?

This past week has been rather hectic for me, but in a very good way! For about the last month, I haven't really been enjoying my current job. The work itself is fine, it's just I was getting reprimanded for an incredibly stupid reason and I am still highly confused as to why they are making it sure a huge deal. I am getting 110% of my work load done, I'm doing exactly what I am asked, and then some, yet I'm still told that's not enough??? Anyway, I have been on the job hunt for a few weeks now trying to find something, and I have! The position a friend found and linked me was for an entry level graphic artist. It is perfect and exactly what I wanted, and needed, to jump start my career into becoming a professional artist! Starting last Monday, I was frantically trying to get my resume updated and looking fit and sparkly as best as I possibly could. After having it proofread and edited the layout one more time so it could be seen universally across any word document platform, I submit it Thursday evening around 10PM.

I got a phone call around 9AM Friday morning asking to set up for an interview.

My interview is this Tuesday. Needless to say, I am incredibly excited, yet so nervous it's not funny. Getting the job would mean no more living paycheck to paycheck. It would mean that I no longer have to rely as heavily on the sales from my art store or art commissions that I take on. That burden would be gone. So, what does that mean for my artwork? Absolutely nothing! If anything, it's only going to help motivate my creative spark that has been such a dull flame for so many years now. I can't say exactly what will happen as no one knows what the future will tell, but it looks incredibly promising!


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