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Time For a New Look

"Why fix something if it isn't broken?" Heard that before? I'm sure you have.

Like with all thing, I felt my website was in dire need of a facelift. While there wasn't anything really wrong with it before, I felt it needed an updated look. I spent damn near 15 hours testing out a layout, playing around with the coding, a tweak here, a deleting of entire contents there, only to go back to -almost- how things were originally before! The biggest change was the font. Everything else was just editing some graphics and adjusting spacing, padding, and all that other lovely number crunching to, hopefully, make things look a little more professional. While all those hours were pretty much for nothing, I didn't waste them. I learned that some things are best left just the way they are and only need minor adjusting to give it a fresh, clean, spark of life! I hope you all enjoy this little update to the website and if you have -ANY- feedback you would like to give, please feel free to reach out to me!

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